How to Get Access Permission of Media Files with Flutter on iOS
Encountered issues multiple times while attempting to programmatically access media files on the iOS simulator. Here are some notes to aid in troubleshooting and resolving these persistent challenges.
Add photo_manager: ^3.0.0-dev.2
Project Name: 'image_classification_mobilenet'
File Path: 'pubspec.yaml'
photo_manager: ^3.0.0-dev.2
Call stack
Call Stack
ImageSimilarHelper.getImagePaths (/lib/helper/image_similar_helper.dart:96)
ImageSimilarHelper.initHelper (/lib/helper/image_similar_helper.dart:90)
_GalleryScreenState.initState (/lib/ui/gallery.dart:30)
Code PhotoManager.requestPermissionExtend()
Future<List<String>> getImagePaths() async {
List<AssetEntity> images = [];
var result = await PhotoManager.requestPermissionExtend();
if (result.isAuth) {
// Fetch assets from the camera roll
List<AssetPathEntity> assetPathList =
await PhotoManager.getAssetPathList(type: RequestType.image);
if (assetPathList.isNotEmpty) {
// Fetch images from the first camera roll path
images = await assetPathList[0].getAssetListRange(start: 0, end: 100);
Note that the code for PhotoManager.requestPermissionExtend() must be in the same isolate as the caller. Otherwise, an error will occur.