How to Make a SSH Connection w/o Prompt of Password

Paul Xiong
Sep 23, 2021

No need to input a password when creating an ssh client to an ssh server.


Any machine can become an ssh server by install:

$ sudo apt-get install openssl-server

you can check ssh server running status by:

$ sudo service ssh status

Note: the ssh server will be auto-run after the above installation.

Any machine can be an ssh client.

On the client machine, we will generate a pair of RSA private/public keys by:

$ ssh-keygen -r rsa
$ scp /home/bxiong/.ssh/ bxiong@

On the server machine, add the public key to the authorized file by:

$ mv ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Thne we should be able to make a ssh connection w/o prompt of inputting password now by:

$ ssh bxiong@



Paul Xiong

Coding, implementing, optimizing ML annotation with self-supervised learning, TLDR: doctor’s labeling is the 1st priority for our Cervical AI project.