The Blind Camera

Paul Xiong
Jan 30, 2021

We love camera when doing surveillance on an intruder, we hate camera when it exposes our privacy… Why cannot we have a blind camera then?

Nowadays, AI-camera is trained to see the photos which can be seen by our human beings. A blind camera is trained to see invisible data that cannot be seen by humans.

What blind camera can do for us?

  • Aware of presence without seeing visual image: attend class/meeting, go to school or back home, etc.
  • Alert of abnormal event: intruder, violence, accidently falls, fires, etc.

Next post, I will share the blind camera link (right now it is under testing…) and following a series to explain how did we do it.



Paul Xiong

Coding, implementing, optimizing ML annotation with self-supervised learning, TLDR: doctor’s labeling is the 1st priority for our Cervical AI project.